Dear CMocka-Team, we use the cmocka framework in unit-testing of our opensource tools and found some things that would be very useful as extensions for it: * Mocking can be turned on on runtime * Differentiation of wrap and weak mocking * Handling of static and shared linking * Macros to convenient create mocks * Macros to create setup-, teardown- and test function-prototypes in a consistent & convenient way for a given function. * some additional convenient macros (see. https://github.com/Elektrobit/cmocka_extensions/blob/main/src/cmocka_extensi...) like `will_set_parameter` for output parameter or `will_set_errno`. * ... I'd like to invite you to have look at https://github.com/Elektrobit/cmocka_extensions especially https://github.com/Elektrobit/cmocka_extensions/blob/main/documentation/docu... Do you expect this to be useful? Is this something that should become part of cmocka or stay as a separate extension? Additionally to these extensions we have created some mocks for jsonc, libc, libmnl, openssl. Which can be found here: https://github.com/Elektrobit/cmocka_mocks Same questions as above apply. Kind regards Thomas Brinker -- ppa. Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Brinker emlix GmbH Headquarters: Berliner Str. 12, 37073 Göttingen, Germany Phone +49 (0)551 30664-0, e-mail info@emlix.com District Court of Göttingen, Registry Number HR B 3160 Managing Directors: Heike Jordan, Dr. Uwe Kracke VAT ID No. DE 205 198 055 Office Berlin: Panoramastr. 1, 10178 Berlin, Germany Office Bonn: Bachstr. 6, 53115 Bonn, Germany http://www.emlix.com emlix - your embedded Linux partner